
Herman Scheele
.NET, C#, Sitecore developer and Data Science engineer @ theFactor.e.

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15 December 2021

Group by folder in Sitecore Forms

Recently I was made aware of Mohammad Abujaffal’s excellent article on how to View Sitecore Forms in Groups or Categories in Forms Dashboard and while implementing it I found some optimizations.

Out of the box, Sitecore Forms has 3 links in the collapsible menu on the left. Turns out these are defined in the Core database and it’s relatively simple to add some additional buttons here.

Sitecore Forms menu

As Mohammad found out, the menu-items are found under /sitecore/client/Applications/FormsBuilder/Components/Navigation/Menu/Forms. The fields of interest here are the NavigateUrl under Behavior that defines what the menu-item links to and under Data the Text field that defines the text that’s displayed on the button.

Sitecore Forms menu

In the My Forms item we can see that the NavigateUrl contains a Guid in the sc query string parameter, this refers to a SearchConfig item that defines how Forms are searched/filtered for display. These SearchConfigs can be found under /sitecore/client/Applications/FormsBuilder/Pages/Forms/PageSettings/DataSource.

So now, in order to add a link that would display only the forms under a certain folder, all we need to do is make another menu-item and another SearchConfig. Mohammad’s article talks about extending the SearchConfig’s Solr query to include AND (_parent:someguid), but I found that the SearchConfig item also has a Root field in which you can paste the Guid of the folder you wish to filter on. This way, forms in sub- and subsubfolders are also included. The following is what worked for me.


  1. In the Master database, make or select a subfolder under /sitecore/Forms that you wish to have a button for and copy the ID.
  2. In the Core database, go to /sitecore/client/Applications/FormsBuilder/Pages/Forms/PageSettings/DataSource and duplicate the AllFormsSearchConfig item.
  3. Set the DisplayText field to whatever it should say up top when the button is selected.
  4. Set the Root field to the copied ID from step 1. and copy the ID of this newly created SearchConfig item.
  5. Still in the Core database, go to /sitecore/client/Applications/FormsBuilder/Components/Navigation/Menu/Forms and duplicate the My forms item.
  6. Edit the NavigateUrl by replacing the existing Guid with the one copied in step 4.
  7. Set the Text field to whatever the button text should be and optionally change the sorting of the items to order in which the buttons should appear.

More options

You could look into more options you have in the SearchConfig items, some ideas:

  • If you have a lot of templates and wish to organize them in folders, you could change the Solr query in the Search field to say (is template:1) in stead of (is template:0) like it has in the AllTemplatesSearchConfig.
  • To show only the forms under a certain folder that are created by the current user, check the CreatedByCurrentUser checkbox like the MyFormsSearchConfig has.
  • Similarly, there are checkboxes called CreatedWithin7Days, UpdatedWithin7Days and UpdatedByCurrentUser that might be interesting in certain use-cases. I’ve not tried these myself though.
  • Inspired by the Solr query that Mohammad uses, make an “Uncategorized” option that shows all the Forms that are not in any subfolder but live directly under /sitecore/Forms by setting the Search field to (is template:0) AND (_latestversion:1) AND (_parent:b701850acb8a4943b2bcdddb1238c103) AND *
    (this parent guid is the ID for the /sitecore/Forms item on my instance, should be the same for any Sitecore install)
tags: Back-end - Sitecore